Our Story
It started with the realization of what our modern lifestyle is doing to the environment and our health. And now we’re doing what we can to make a difference. We’re just practical people, driven to help more of us reduce our impact on the planet, limit our exposure to toxic chemicals, improve our health and support our local economy.
Our motivation is personal. Teresa, one of our founders, grappled with metastatic breast cancer, and we believe that a whole foods diet and removing toxins from her home was a critical part of her treatment success. Teresa passed away in December 2013, but she lived happily and healthily for years longer than any of her doctors ever expected, all the while doing what she could to raise awareness about the environmental causes of the cancer epidemic. Mike and Teresa founded Going Green Services to share what they’d learned and to help others find the products we need for a greener and healthier life.
Going Green? Don’t get overwhelmed. We believe that small changes are within reach for everyone. Once you start, it gets easier to do more. Let us help.
Here is how we've built our business:
• In August 2011 we opened our eco-general store in Granville, Ohio. We started with green goods, selling a wide variety of products to help people make their homes and lifestyles more health-conscious and planet-friendly. The Going Green Store was like an old time general store with a modern twist, supporting our local economy and collaborating with the many folks in our county and further afield who are working hard to protect the planet.
• In 2012 we added food to The Going Green Store, focusing on pasture-raised animal products and other foods sourced within 50 miles of Licking County, along with specialty foods for good health that were hard to find around here.
• In 2012, seeking a way to have a wider impact, we also launched our wholesale business - Going Green Services - to sell eco-friendly serviceware (think disposable plates, cups, napkins, etc) for restaurants, food trucks, dining services, caterers and zero waste events.
• In January 2016 - recognizing that there was a strong need and a niche to be filled - we shifted our focus solely to our wholesale business. The Going Green Store closed, but we know that its spirit lives on as we all continue to educate ourselves and make environmentally sound choices. We now specialize in certified compostable serviceware, shipping nationally and delivering throughout central Ohio.
• All along, we've been actively involved in our community, giving both time and money to support organizations working on environmental protection, health and local food.
• We also devote resources to staying current in our field, and as much as possible, we share what we learn by answering questions, offering classes and through public speaking.